Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Dead Rising made it’s launch first in 8 August 2006. After so many time, Capcom finally decided to make Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster and thanks to company, we got a chance to play the game before it’s official release. In the Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review, we will examine everything about the game and share our opinion about the game.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Story

The story evolves around a photojournalist Frank West. In 2006, photojournalist Frank West is alerted by a source that something is happening in the town of Willamette, Colorado. On 19th September, flying into the town with helicopter pilot Ed DeLuca, Frank learns that the town is subject to a military quarantine and observes several violent incidents throughout the town. He is dropped onto the Willamette Parkview Mall’s helipad, after asking Ed to return in three days.

Arriving in the mall, he learns that the quarantine is due to a zombie outbreak. The mall is breached, forcing Frank to take refuge in the mall’s security room. With the help of janitor Otis Washington, he travels into the mall.

The story ends with multiple endings. Depending on either you complete case files or not, you can get certain endings and these endings satisfying if you don’t expect too much from zombie story.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Gameplay

Dead Rising has an enjoyable gameplay where you can use almost everything as weapon. Some can be strong, some can be weak but mostly it’s a realistic feature because in real life, you would also use everything as weapon if you encounter a zombie apocalypse like in the game.

Gameplay features a mall full of zombies where you can kill them however you like. Each time you level up you get special skill or HP, Power buff. Your running speed also increases and you start running faster and killing zombies easily.

Craft mechanic hasn’t added in the first game so you have to use premade weapons while killing zombies. There will be katanas, woods, knifes etc. to defend yourself. Meanwhile you can also get firepower like handgun or shotgun. Firepower resources are limited so you eventually run out of them so it’s wise to use them against harder bosses.

In Dead Rising, you can get health items in various stores and many different outfit choices are also available as well. Besides previously added outfits, in Deluxe Remaster, there are a lot of new outfits to use from different Capcom games. You can also wear them and take cool screenshots in your adventure as well.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Original vs. Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Differences

Original game and Deluxe Remaster includes many new features where it makes your gameplay experience better. The most important part is navigation and map use system. In original version, if you are a new player to series, it’s hard to find where is your quest or how to find the location you are looking for in map. Deluxe Remaster solved this problem. New players can also find their way easier by simply looking at detailed map or follow the navigation in their screen.

In Deluxe Remaster, there are also a few new cutscenes added to game, there are not a lot but it’s good to see these changes after so many years.

In Deluxe Remaster, graphics are much better compared to original, Capcom did an amazing job with models and environment. Even if Dead Rising is a old game, with Deluxe Remaster, you feel like it’s a brand new game and you can enjoy your gameplay and don’t get angry because the game uses old mechanics.

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Review

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster Overall Thoughts

Dead Rising is a great zombie survival game, if you are looking for a short adventure you should definitely consider playing it. We said short because you can almost complete the game around 5-7 hours, depending if you focus on saving everyone or not.

We recommend Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster if you enjoy zombie games and looking for enjoyable gameplay.


Read More: Capcom Confirmed More Dead Rising Games

Dead Rising Deluxe Remaster will make it’s launch in September 19 for Playstation 5, Xbox Series X|S and PC.

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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