Latest Update Broke Xbox Controllers
The latest firmware update for Xbox controllers, version, released on February 25, caused unexpected problems. Microsoft aimed to increase the sensitivity of the controllers with the update. However, users began to experience serious problems with the controllers after the update, such as sudden disconnections, incorrect key triggers, and unintended movements of the control sticks.
Problems with Xbox Controllers
After the update, many users reported that the control sticks in particular were moving randomly, making games that required precise control, such as aiming, almost unplayable. Users who stated that the controller was causing problems even during menu navigation say that this seriously affected their gaming experience.
One user on Reddit suggested that the problem could be due to the deadzone settings on the control sticks. In a conversation with Xbox support, it was confirmed that the issue was caused by a bug that was triggered by the deadzone activation of the control sticks before they returned to their center position. This bug would cause the controller to perform unexpected movements.
There is currently no definitive solution to the problems. While some users have tried to find a workaround by resetting the firmware on their Xbox Elite Series 2 controllers, this method has not worked for Xbox Series X/S controllers. Most users will have to wait for a fix from Microsoft.
Users who have not yet updated are advised not to upgrade to version 5.23. 5.0. It is not yet clear when Microsoft will fix these issues. In the meantime, users can choose to play with alternative controllers. It is hoped that a potential patch from Microsoft will fix the issue. However, the frequent occurrence of such technical issues with Xbox controllers has caused a backlash from users.
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