Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind Revealed
A big announcement was made at Summer Game Fest: A brand new sidescrolling beat-em up set in the Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers universe. Here’s what to know about the game:
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind
Mighty Morphin’ Power Rangers: Rita’s Rewind, a new sidescrolling beat-em up, is now available to wishlist on Steam. The game centers on the time-travel of legendary enemy Robo-Rita.

The game’s description reads as follows: “The team faces off against a robotic reincarnation of the Power Rangers’ longtime nemesis. Robo-Rita sends herself back in time and allies with her younger self to destroy the Power Rangers. Working together, Robo-Rita and Rita Repulsa rewrite and remix the past to stop the formation of the Power Rangers.”
In the game, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers fans will have the opportunity to re-experience the origin story for the first time. Hand-drawn pixel art captures the classic look and feel of the 90s.
Game Features
- Hand-drawn pixel art with a classic 90s look and feel
- Fan-favorite enemies from different seasons
- Player familiar events and episodes remastered
- Action-packed 2D brawler gameplay with arcade-style shooting and driving sequences
- Possibility to pilot the original Dinozords
- A chance to jump into the cockpit of the legendary Megazord and take down massive bosses
- Offline and online support for up to 5 players
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