The Legend of Zelda Remake Debate Heats Up

The recent rumor of The Legend of Zelda Remake has created great excitement and discussion among Nintendo fans. According to the allegations, a remake or remaster of a Zelda game is planned for the Nintendo Switch 2. This rumor came to the fore when the famous retailer Newegg included the phrase “Legend of Zelda Remake/Remaster” on a Nintendo eShop gift card listing. However, there is no clear information about which game will be remade, and this fuels the expectations and discussions of the fans.

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Which Legend of Zelda Game Should Be Remade?

The Legend of Zelda fans cannot reach a consensus on which game should be remade or remastered. The focus of the discussion is some of the most beloved games in the series. Many fans express their desire to see an HD remake of Ocarina of Time. This game is considered one of the most iconic productions of the series. Other candidates that fans have put forward include Twilight Princess, The Wind Waker, Phantom Hourglass, and lesser-known games like Oracle of Seasons and Oracle of Ages.

One Reddit user commented, “All I want is to see an HD remake of Ocarina of Time. Even the 3DS versions will suffice,” while another expressed their own preferences by saying, “If there’s going to be a remake, it should definitely be Twilight Princess.” However, these discussions are only speculations for now, as no official announcement has been made yet.

These new remake rumors suggest that Nintendo’s trend of re-releasing old Zelda games may continue, following the Skyward Sword HD remaster that was previously released in 2021. However, it remains unclear whether the information on Newegg’s listing is a mistake or a deliberate advertising tactic. Despite this, there is a strong expectation that Nintendo will not leave the Zelda series idle and is preparing for a new remake or remaster.

The announcement of the Nintendo Switch 2 and the resurgence of the Zelda series with Tears of the Kingdom, which will be released in 2023, make these remake rumors even more interesting. Regardless of which game is chosen, The Legend of Zelda Remake is likely to be a source of great excitement for fans, but for now it looks like these discussions will continue until an official announcement is made.

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Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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