Bloober Team Wants Players to Give a Chance to Silent Hill 2 Remake

Piotr Babieno, the CEO of Bloober Team, asked from fans to give a chance to Silent Hill 2 Remake. 

Bloober Team Wants Players to Give a Chance to Silent Hill 2 Remake

Silent Hill 2 Remake Deserves a Chance

Silent Hill 2 Remake is important among all fans because the franchise didn’t received any new game for a very long time. The original developer, Konami, hasn’t provided much new content for the game franchise, instead opting for movies or other adaptations. But gamers have been thirsting for more playable content, and a remake has big shoes to fill if Bloober wants to impress fans of one of the biggest psychological horror games.

When Bloober announced the remake of the sequel, many fans assumed it would be in a similar style. However, the first trailer revealed a more combat-oriented gameplay style, and many fans were worried about the game focusing too heavily on combat in an attempt to mimic the success of Resident Evil. Even though later trailers provided more context on the story elements, fans continued to scrutinize the remake.

Due to all of the feedback from fans, Babieno spoke in an interview with Rolling Stone about the criticism of the game. Babieno acknowledges that it will be difficult to live up to the reputation of the prior game. He believes the remake of Silent Hill 2 Remake provides a new opportunity for Bloober, giving the team a chance to branch out from the typical slow paced environmental storytelling of its prior games like Layers of Fear. The team at Bloober continues to grow, as well as the type of games the team produces, and Babieno expressed that “we want to create games that we would like to play ourselves, and games that will be very important to our audience”. Babieno hopes the remake of Silent Hill 2 will be the gateway for change as the team works on future projects, and will establish Bloober as a quality group of developers to stand out among other horror games.

Babieno didn’t want to make false promises about the game and believes that action will speak louder than words for the quality of the remake. So he only asks for fans to give the game a chance, and let it speak for itself. But, the team still does appreciate the feedback and has taken it into consideration as the game continues development, doing its best to preserve the original Silent Hill 2 characters.

It’s difficult to make a brand new Remake for such a popular franchise like Silent Hill, especially if you are developing games like mostly evolves around environmental storytelling. But with the reference from original Silent Hill 2, Bloober Team tries to make the best Remake for such a classic game. With the feedback of fans, developers can make the game to meet the expactations of fans.

Read More: Silent Hill 2 Remake Release Date Announced

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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