Crytek Explains Hunt: Showdown 1896’s Bounty Clash Mode

Crytek has announced new plans for its popular multiplayer FPS game Hunt: Showdown 1896. The development team announced that they are working on changes to the game’s Bounty Clash mode, taking community feedback into account. This announcement comes as part of the quality of life improvements that began with the latest updates to Hunt: Showdown 1896.

Hunt: Showdown 1896 Bounty Clash Mode Work in Progress

Crytek aims to make significant improvements to Bounty Clash, one of the beloved modes in Hunt: Showdown 1896. The mode offers an experience where players fight for rewards in team-based battles. However, some criticism from the community has accelerated Crytek’s efforts to make the mode more balanced and satisfying.

The developers stated that the mode aims to increase competition between players while also preventing unfair advantages. In this context, it was announced that technical adjustments will be made in areas such as server connections and damage detection mechanisms.

The latest update of Hunt: Showdown 1896, version 2.2, addressed the “trade window” issue that players have been complaining about for a long time. This problem led to unfair results in situations such as two players killing each other at the same time. With the latest update, this time interval was reduced from 800 milliseconds to 75 milliseconds, and the results were processed more accurately.

Crytek stated that such technical improvements will also be applied to the Bounty Clash mode and will make the players’ experience smoother. For example, work continues on problems such as damage detection mechanisms and connection continuity.

Crytek emphasized that they care about player feedback and make improvements in this direction. The team, which follows a transparent communication policy for future updates of Hunt: Showdown 1896, plans to constantly interact with players.

With the revamp of the Bounty Clash mode and other improvements, Hunt: Showdown 1896 is expected to offer a more balanced and enjoyable gaming experience. Crytek aims to continue the long-term success of the game with the support of the community.

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Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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