Incredible GTA 6 Statistics Revealed by YouTube

YouTube has revealed an extraordinary new statistic about GTA 6 and the GTA community. As we know, the first GTA VI trailer was an instant hit on YouTube. It broke various YouTube records, world records and more on the first day and beyond.

Incredible GTA 6 Statistics Revealed by YouTube

GTA 6 Trailer Breaks YouTube Records

We’re halfway through 2024 and YouTube has released their 2023 Culture and Trends Report. They took the time to analyze what happened on the platform last year, and of course there’s a special section dedicated to the GTA 6 trailer. In the Dimensioning Cultural Moments section, YouTube reiterates that it was the fastest non-music video to reach 93 million views in 24 hours. They then talk about the videos that fans have posted about the trailer.

These include trailer reactions, transcripts and more. The new statistics released by YouTube show that these videos were viewed a total of 93 million times in the first 24 hours alone. What’s really interesting about this figure is that YouTube has never before seen so much fan content shared in 48 hours. A few days after the trailer was released, YouTube revealed that fan videos related to GTA 6 had been viewed more than 250 million times in the first 48 hours. We now know that the majority of those views, 192 million, came in the first day.

It’s been 6 months since the early release of the trailer following the Twitter leak. The video now has more than 198 million views. Soon it will reach 200 million. This will probably happen long before Rockstar Games releases the second GTA 6 trailer.

Read More: Take Two Hints for GTA 6 Release Date

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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