Genshin Impact 5.1 Drip Market

Genshin Impact 5.1 drip market happened today and it revealed next patch’s 5* character.

Genshin Impact 5.1 Drip Market

Genshin Impact 5.0 will drop August 28 and just before few days, HoYoverse has released next patch’s new character. 5.1 will contain only one 5* character and it will be Xilonen.

Genshin Impact 5.1 Drip Market


“Hey there, Xilonen! So, about the sunglasses you made me last time… Got a couple of details I’d like to adjust, especially with the temple tip patterning… Hmm? Where’d she go? It’s not even time for her lunch break yet… Hey! Xilonen! You there? C’mon, let’s go over the particulars of the glasses manufacturing process again—”
—Thus exclaimed Mavuika at a high volume in front of Xilonen’s workshop

◆ Xilonen
◆ Ardent Flames Forge the Soul
◆ Nanatzcayan Smith
◆ Vision: Geo
◆ Constellation: Panthera Ocelota

Genshin Impact 5.0 will drop August 28. New region Natlan will be available as well.

Read More: Genshin Impact Announced 5.0 Changes

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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