Mortal Kombat 1 Madam Bo Trailer Released
NetherRealm Studios’ highly anticipated DLC character, Madam Bo, has been introduced in a new trailer for Mortal Kombat 1. The trailer, which premiered at the Viennality 2K25 tournament in Austria, gave players a first look at Madam Bo’s fighting styles and Fatalities, giving them their first in-depth look at the character.
Madam Bo’s Fighting Style and Fatality
The trailer features scenes where Madam Bo slides to the ground, stuns her opponent, attacks with agile kicks, and throws a bottle. The bottle can be used as a projectile, or can be drunk by the main fighter to provide a buff (and possible debuff). The trailer ends with Madam Bo’s Fatality scene: She kicks her opponent’s head off and catches them on a tray.
Madam Bo’s fighting techniques have sparked discussions among fans about whether she is related to Bo’ Rai Cho. In particular, her flip moves and bottle-wielding mechanics appear to be quite similar to moves Bo’ Rai Cho has shown in previous games. However, NetherRealm Studios has not confirmed Madam Bo’s relationship with Bo’ Rai Cho, but has revealed that she is Sektor’s mother in the story.
Madam Bo will be available to Khaos Reigns owners on March 18th, along with the T-1000. The character will be available for purchase separately a week later. Based on the prices of previous cameo characters, Madam Bo is also expected to cost $4.99. NetherRealm Studios has hinted that there will be more DLC content for Mortal Kombat 1, but details are not yet clear. A data miner has identified more character slots in the game’s code, increasing the possibility that new fighters could be added to the game in the future.
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