Remedy Entertainment Gives Update about Annapurna Interactive Situation

Remedy Entertainment has clarified that the recent situations about Annapurna Interactive has no bearing on its partnership with Annapurna Pictures.

Remedy Entertainment Gives Update about Annapurna Interactive Situation

Clarification from Remedy Entertainment

Following a dispute with its leadership, Annapurna’s game publishing branch, Annapurna Interactive, announced last week that its entire staff of 25 employees had left the company. This came after Annapurna Interactive reportedly failed to gain approval to split off into its own company. The news shocked game fans, as Annapurna Interactive has maintained a reputation of being one of the industry’s premier indie publishers, known for games like Outer Wilds, What Remains of Edith Finch, Journey, and others.

Last month, Remedy Entertainment struck a deal with Annapurna Pictures that will see the latter help fund the production of Remedy’s action adventure sequel Control 2 in exchange for the rights to adapt Alan Wake and Control for TV and film.

After the recent events, there were questions whether it will affect Control 2 or not, but turns out, this is clarified. Remedy Entertainment’s Communications Director, Thomas Puha, set the record straight for gamers worried about the upcoming sequel Control 2. On Twitter, Puha clarified that, since Annapurna Interactive is a separate division from Annapurna Pictures, its deal with the latter remains unharmed by Annapurna Interactive’s staff departures. Puha reminded gamers that Annapurna Pictures is only co funding Control 2, and that Remedy is still self publishing the title.

Since the deal between Remedy Entertainment and Annapurna Pictures is safe following the recent happenings with Annapurna’s gaming division, fans of Remedy’s games can still look forward to the film and TV adaptations of Alan Wake and Control promised by the deal.

As Alan Wake 2 was only released last year, it’ll likely be a few more years before Remedy is ready to unveil Control 2. The studio also has several other projects in the works at the moment, including remakes of the first two Max Payne games and a multiplayer Control spinoff codenamed “Condor.” Alan Wake 2 fans are also still patiently awaiting the game’s second DLC, The Lake House, which is expected to be released sometime in October.

Read More: Remedy Entertainment is Making Cooperation with Annapurna Interactive for Control 2

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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