Waiting For The Old Legends To Be Reborn

Among the old games, there are productions that have a special place and we look forward to their revival: Command and Conquer games (one of my old legends). When this strategy game series was first introduced to players in 1995, it quickly became a phenomenon. Over the years, the producers have expanded the series with various sequels and expansion packs, enriching the dynamics and story of the game. However, the lack of a new game from the series in recent years has disappointed many old players like me.

Old Legends: I Dream of a New Command and Conquer Game

Of course, the essence of this article is not to focus on the C&C series. There are many titles like it that I dream of seeing re-released. It’s disappointing that I haven’t come across a game like Tomb Raider, Uncharted or Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater, which gave me so much pleasure in the past. Wouldn’t it be great to have a new Command and Conquer game with modern gaming technologies and graphics? However, instead of concentrating on these productions, the producers unfortunately remake many old games that are not as old as the games I have mentioned. I can see that a similar crisis that the game world experienced in the 90’s is now in front of us.

Waiting For The Old Legends To Be Reborn
Old Legends: Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater

The pandemic has also affected the gaming industry. Long periods of staying at home negatively affected the ability of game companies to produce strong games in terms of story and structure. The hasty release of many games and disruptions in development processes resulted in players’ longing for quality content. However, it seems that game developers are focusing on technology and neglecting the soul of the game instead of developing games that offer deep stories and characters to meet player expectations after the pandemic. This raises concerns that the gaming crisis of the 90s may be repeating itself in a different form today.

Among the old series, it is not only the ones mentioned above that will be welcomed with great interest if they are revived. There are so many titles that can be added. These series have the potential to offer unique gaming experiences today as they did in the past. However, the modern gaming market’s focus on pure action makes it difficult to find games with a real soul. We miss games with not only fun mechanics, but also compelling stories and deep character development.

As I mentioned above, there is a very important aspect of the modern game concept that is overlooked while focusing more on the realism of the production. Fun. Advanced graphics and detailed visual effects, which are common in today’s games, can sometimes negatively affect our experience. In particular, too much use of shadows and an overload of sensory information can cause difficulties in locating enemies. Although such visual details increase the realism and visual quality of the game, the fact that we do not see the in-game environment clearly reflects negatively on our experience.

In fact, there is a phrase that has become a chewing gum in the mouth of many of us: “Games are not what they used to be”. Another reason for this is the consumption frenzy. While the number of games is increasing rapidly, the number of bad games added to our catalogues is also increasing rapidly. In other words, satisfying productions have a very difficult time emerging in this ocean of games. According to a study, the number of players per game has dropped from 15 thousand to 4 thousand in 7 years. This is a very important data for us to see how many products are being released. This means more producers and more productions, which brings our chances of finding the kind of productions we miss to the bottom.

In order for the gaming world to return to its former bright days, it seems like a solution that will work very well for producers to revive old and unforgettable game series. At the same time, more emphasis should be placed on creating story and character-driven games that overcome the challenges of the pandemic. This approach will both satisfy old gamers and introduce new generations of gamers to these legendary games, raising the overall quality of the gaming industry.

Murat Oktay

Video games have been my passion for as long as I can remember. I have been writing and managing in the game industry for more than 30 years. I've been playing Diablo 2 nonstop since it first came out.

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