Remedy Entertainment is Making Cooperation with Annapurna Interactive for Control 2

Remedy Entertainment has announced a “strategic cooperation agreement” with publisher Annapurna Interactive for the development of Control 2, as well as plans to expand the Alan Wake and Control franchises outside of games media.

Remedy Entertainment is Making Cooperation with Annapurna Interactive for Control 2

Cooperation Between Remedy Entertainment and Annapurna Interactive

After the release of Alan Wake 2 last year, fans are now looking forward to Remedy’s various other projects in development. The studio provided an update on these projects a few weeks ago, confirming that development on Max Payne 1+2 remake and Control 2 was progressing well. Even though Control and Alan Wake are sister series, sequel game for Control 2, it didn’t receive a release window.

In a recent post on its official website, Remedy has now announced a new strategic partnership with Annapurna Interactive that will see both entities co financing the development of Control 2. The studio says that this collaboration has enabled it to self publish Control 2, and to make the game “exactly” how it wants to. This is an important step in Remedy’s move to begin self publishing its games, as Alan Wake 2’s digital only distribution model was lamented by a lot of players. Thanks to the new arrangement, Remedy will also receive a “great revenue share” from Control 2’s sales once initial investments are recouped.

As the other party involved in this deal, Annapurna Interactive has a lot to benefit from it as well. The publisher has secured the movie and TV rights to the Alan Wake and Control IPs, and will subsequently work with Remedy to develop adaptations for these mediums. Annapurna will receive a similarly great revenue share from TV and movie sales. Considering Alan Wake 2 was partly inspired by True Detective, as well as the episodic slant of its Night Springs expansion, both the Remedy franchises may translate rather well to movie and TV.

Although this update doesn’t do much for fans who have been wondering when Control 2 will launch, it does bode well for the creative underpinnings of the project. Even though Annapurna is funding 50% of Control 2’s development, self publishing the sequel will allow Remedy to launch and distribute it however the studio sees fit. Among all the consternation around its digital only release, Alan Wake 2 has yet to make a profit, so Control 2 will hopefully fare better financially.

Read More: Remedy Entertainment Shared More Information About Their Upcoming Games

Dilay Sullu

I've been playing Survival Horror Games since my childhood. My favorite is Resident Evil. I also love other game genres such as Hack & Slash. I love creating all kind of contents for video games.

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