Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

In this guide, we will play RE4 Remake from the beginning to the end and reach the solution. This is the second part of Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough. We basically proceed with the solution in the original game.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough / All Parts

Take the anonymous letter from the bed, the bullets from the table, the grenade from the shelf and the other objects from the chests. Exit the building, turn left and take the boat towards the blue lights and you will come to the merchant’s cave.

When you go up the stairs you will see a chest on the left side, push it. Run to the right and smash the barrels before climbing the stairs. Push the boxes above to move them out of the way and get the money and the green jewel from the barrels.

Shoot the light on the same level as this platform and you’ll drop the spinel. Jump through the hole to get to the merchant’s location. After you get the bullets from the table, climb up the stairs, follow the corridor and jump to the other staircase.

Go along the corridor to get the spinels. Sell the spinels, the ancient pipe and the gold bracelet to the merchant and return to your boat.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Go to the harbour to the north-west of the lake to get the bullets and save the game with the typewriter. Return to your boat and head south-east back to the harbour where the level started. Open the gates in the corner of the field to the waterfall.

Follow the path down and you will encounter new enemies; Ganados have tentacles growing out of their heads. The new enemies are a little more difficult to get rid of than the old ones. Because when you kill the Ganados, the parasite takes control. Therefore, you should directly target the parasite.

After killing those on the road, go up the stairs at the end of the road and jump over the gaps. Follow the path downwards to the next gaps, but do not jump over the gaps. Go around the sharp corner on the right to get the grenades from the barrels and return to the gaps.

Don’t forget to check Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 1 walkthrough.

Jump over the gaps and follow the path until you see the rope. When you go down the rope you will encounter the enemy. After you get rid of him, climb up to the platform on the right side. Grab the grenades from the barrel and the bullet from the corner and return to the path below.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Follow the path to the right, towards the broken bridge. You’ll see a large crate over the water, shoot it and it will float to the moorings and allow you to cross; jump over it to get across. Follow the bridge to the right and shoot the ring just before the waterfall.

Go up the nearby stairs and take the green herb from the barrels. Look up and a little to the left and you will see chains, shoot them. Jump back up the ladder and smash the crates on the right side. Jump back to the broken bridge and jump onto the 2 crates in the water.

Follow the path upwards to smash the barrel behind the ladder and go up the stairs. Control the lever to select “Yes” and pull it; you’ll reveal the cave behind the waterfall. Go down the stairs and jump into the crates in the water and you’ll see a lot of enemies coming.

Stand here and wait for the Ganados to arrive and shoot them. After you get rid of them all, head to the cave you uncovered. Check the hole at the end of the cave and open the door with the key. Continue down the tunnel and open the next door. Shoot the torch to get the spinel, break the barrels and jump into the boat.

We are back in the merchant’s cave, but there is nothing to buy. But you can sell your useless objects if you want. Go up the stairs and leave the cave by opening the door at the top. After breaking the barrels, go to the area on the left and prepare for the Boss.

Read More: How to Unlock Ashley’s Knight Armor in RE4 Remake?

Prepare for the Boss
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

It is better to stay away from this giant boss, firstly use whatever grenades you have. As soon as you stun him with the grenade, grab your rifle. When you hit him a few times, the wolf you saved will appear. Even though the wolf distracts the giant for a short time, he is still interested in us.

Try to avoid him by constantly changing positions and use every chance you get to shoot him. After a short while, you’ll see a parasite emerge from behind the giant. Run towards the giant and climb on it and cut the parasite. If you don’t act fast and cut the parasite, the giant will start throwing various objects at you.

Again, try to avoid him and run away. Keep shooting until you knock him down again and try to cut the parasite.

After you get rid of the boss you will get various objects. Take the red herb and bullets from the corner and the yellow herb from the right side. Run to the entrance on the other side of the area, smash the barrels on the left side and go through the door.

Climb onto the bridge, jump across the gap and collect the objects in the hut on the left. Leave the hut and jump to the other gap in the bridge. After the bridge, 3 Colmillos will start coming towards you. Avoid them and go up the stairs on the right side. Open the church door with your key and go inside.

Read More: Resident Evil 4 Remake Gameplay and System Requirements

Let's get into church
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Take the money from the cupboard at the back of the church. Run up the stairs on the right side of the room and get the grenades from the barrels. Go up the stairs ahead and you will see a chandelier on the right. Jump on the chandelier and then jump to the other side of the room.

Head to the right and smash the barrels at the end of the room; you’ll find money and grenades. Go back to the corner and use the panel. Move the red disc 2 times, the green disc three times and the blue disc once. Combine the colours to form the symbol and open the passage.

Follow the path and open the door ahead and you’ll meet Ashley. Smash all 6 barrels in the room to get the green grass, bullets and money. Leave the room and jump down the stairs at the end of the path. As soon as you land, capture Ashley. Keep moving forward and you will finish the Chapter.

End of first chapter
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Open the door and enter the cemetery. Run to the top of the road and shoot the wagon to get rid of the enemies on the road. You will see a hut just down the road, enter it and collect everything inside. Leave the hut and follow the road to the left.

You can get money by shooting the bird’s nest just above the entrance. Go through the entrance, up the stairs and into the merchant’s tunnel. Open the door and talk to the merchant; again, sell him anything unnecessary and upgrade him by buying Red9.

Leave the merchant and go up the stairs at the end of the tunnel. After breaking the barrels in the corner, open the door and use the typewriter to Save the game. Go through the door into the town.

Head towards the road on the right and you’ll hear the sound of angry Ganados. Shoot the bear trap just ahead, then the Ganados coming towards you. Keep heading up the path and avoid all the bear traps you see so Ashley won’t get caught in any of them.

Ganadoes coming towards you
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

At the end of the path you’ll come to some gates, go through them. Go to the trashand hide Ashley there. Then enter the hut on the left and take the greenhouse and the chapter three papers from the table. Break the barrels and Save the game on the typewriter. When you exit the hut, you will see Ganados on the left side, get rid of them.

Go to the back of the warehouse and look at the house on the right. You’ll see some Ganados on the bridge, take them down and enter the house below the bridge and get rid of the bear traps. Break the barrels and get the green herb from the cupboard.

Go up the stairs to get the bullets from the cupboard and jump out the window. Run along the bridge on the left and jump down. Break the crates on the table and the barrels under the stairs. Exit the cabin and eliminate the bear traps on the ground.

Now that the coast is clear, summon Ashley. Wait for her to come to the end of the bridge and grab her at the bottom of the ladder. Approach the door and open it.

Clean the coast
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Go down the path and cross the bridge; you’ll get another call from Hunnigan. A group of Ganados are waiting for you and Ashley on the other side of the bridge. When you enter the cabin, you will meet Luis. Take the bullets from the table, the yellow weed from the shelves and the red weed from the chair.

Push the cupboard in front of the window and go upstairs. Take the green herb, the bombs, the grenade and the flash. Go to the top of the ladder and start taking down all the enemies you see. After a short while the enemy will make it to the top floor of the house.

From this point on, try to push all the ladders in the window and kill all the Ganados that come near you. After a short while you will see a demo showing the Ganados leaving and you will finish the level.

Go to the top of the stairs and collect whatever is around. Go down and outside, turn left and pick up the bullets from the corner and the other bullets from the left side. The merchant won’t offer you anything different again, but you can enter the hut on the left side to get the rifle and Save the game.

Leave the hut, turn left and go to the entrance between the two doors. Move the lever left and right to open one of the doors. Go down the tunnel and open the door. After dodging the first Ganado that appears, tell Ashley to hide. It’s better to use another weapon instead of the rifle, as it will be more useful later on.

Get ready for the Ganados
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Wait for the group to arrive and shoot the wagon to kill them all at once. Go around the right corner to the stairs at the end of the road. Kill the Ganado that appears on the right side, break the barrels and go up the stairs. When you turn left, you will encounter Ganados.

After getting rid of them all, follow the path to the right through the rubbish bin, break the barrels and shoot the Ganados. After the enemy at the entrance disappears, grab your rifle and jump to the main area.

When you go down you will be greeted by 2 Ganados, pick up your rifle and get rid of them. When the music stops, grab the grenades, ruby, money and key. Summon Ashley to your side. When he comes to the entrance, grab him and use the key you just took to open the door.

Break the crates on the right side of the path to get the bullets. Follow the path to the end and hide Ashley again. Soon you will encounter many Ganados, it will be a bit of a tough fight. It is useful to use a rifle at first. After you get rid of them all, call Ashley to your side.

Go to the red door and take the bullets from the chests on the left and other objects on the right. Open the red door and enter the merchant’s place.

El Gigante will appear
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

When you go down the path, El Gigante will appear. You will see a rock on the left side, shoot it and drop it on the giant’s head. But this boulder will give you less space to escape from him afterwards. If you have Flash grenades, use them to immobilise the giant and use your rifle.

Keep firing until he falls to his knees. Once he’s on his knees, climb on top of him and cut through the interference. After getting rid of the giant in this way, continue down the road.

Enter the first hut to get money, bullets, spinels and bombs. Leave the hut and break the crates on the left side. Enter the second hut and pick up the old key from the floor and the money and bullets from the table. Leave the hut and go to the end of the area.

After kicking the door open, use the key you just got to the door at the end of the path and go to the merchant’s area.

Merchant’s Area

It doesn’t make much difference whether you choose the right or left side path, you will end up in the same area. If you choose the left side path, you will follow the path on the right side and go up the stairs on the right to reach the merchant.

Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

If you choose the right side path, you will go up the stairs on the left side to reach the merchant. Talk to the merchant and sell him the spinels. Leave here and go down the stairs and collect the bullets in the rubbish bins you will find in the hut in the corner.

Enter the hut and get the town’s last defence file from the cabinet at the back. You can also get bullets from the cupboard on the right. Save the game using the typewriter and leave the cabin.

Follow the path and you’ll find a green door at the top of the hill, but you can’t open it yet. Continue along the path and go up the stairs at the end. Smash the barrels in the right corner. You’ll see a moving platform, get on it; it’s good to get rid of the Ganados on the platform.

You will also see Ganados on the main platform, if you don’t get rid of them they will jump to the platform you are on. When the time comes, Leon and Ashley will automatically move from the platform to the factory.

Follow the path and open the door on the left. Collect bullets and bombs from the lockers. Leave the room and go down the stairs and tell Ashley to wait. We prefer the path on the left side… First get rid of the Ganado holding the explosives.

After the explosion, jump on the sandbags and go up the stairs. Follow the tunnel to the corner, grab the yellow cat eye, go back through the tunnel and tell Ashley to follow you. When you go down the stairs you’ll encounter another merchant.

Don’t forget to collect what’s in the boxes and use the typewriter to Save the game. Go through the door and follow the path to the end.

Bitores Méndez
Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 2 Walkthrough

Head down to the warehouse and meet Bitores; he will lock you inside. When he does, quickly enter the correct key combinations. Bitores will start walking towards you, immediately grab your rifle and start shooting.

You’ll also see a red barrel on the left side, which you can damage by blowing it up; climb to the top of the hill and blast the barrel from there. In the second half of the fight, you can only shoot at the upper part of Bitores.

Keep firing and kill him. When he dies, many objects will appear, collect them all. Exit through the window in the corner of the house. After meeting Ashley, go up the path, open the door and return to the merchant’s area.

Save the game using the typewriter and follow the path. Go up the 2 stairs and keep following the path; we’ll go to the other side of the factory. Return to the upper part of the factory by climbing on one of the moving platforms.

When you go down the stairs you will see a door on the left side, use the eye you got after the fight and open the door. Grab your rifle but don’t shoot at the Ganados on the hill. When you go up the road, the lorry will start moving.

Pass the lorry and shoot the group of Ganados and get out of here. Make your way to the top of the road and collect everything in the barrels. Finish the level by continuing to move towards the castle.

Now, you can start to play Chapter 3. The seemingly endless first chapter is finally over. Now, you can move to the Resident Evil 4 Remake Chapter 3 walkthrough.

Murat Oktay

Video games have been my passion for as long as I can remember. I have been writing and managing in the game industry for more than 30 years. I've been playing Diablo 2 nonstop since it first came out.

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