CS GO bunny code: How to make a bunny hop (2023)
In this guide we will explain CS GO bunny code and how to make bunny hop. In Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, bunny hopping is a technique to gain speed and movement advantage.
You can use the following set of bhop commands on a private server with cheats turned on and fly like you’re the coolest. Our article will guide you.
Firstly, we recommend practicing bunny hopping with cheats to get an idea of how to land b hop in real competitive games.
CS GO bunny code: How to do bunny hop? (2023)
To unlock super easy jumps, simply copy one of the two commands below to your CS:GO console. Remember, they cannot be used on official servers.
After typing the boost codes, which you can enter from the developer console, it becomes active in the game.

The only prerequisite for these commands is that you have enabled the developer console. Go to your CS:GO settings, then “Game Settings” and select “Yes” from the “Enable Developer Console” drop-down menu. Now, you will be able too see the developer console by pressing ` or ~ on your keyboard.
First of all, Developer Console needs to be enabled on your CS:GO client.
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How to enable the Developer Console in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive
The console isn’t enabled by default due to Valve’s concern for players who might write something wrong in it and accidentally mess things up, from a small setting change to a complete game wipe.
Most competitive players have their own configurations, carefully crafted to suit every need, and may include visual solutions that are very different from the default ones, for example. But nevertheless, here’s how to enable and switch it on – please do so at your own discretion. At least back up the configuration files before making any edits.
While in the main menu, find the Settings wheel. When you reach the settings, go to “Game Settings”. All you need is to find the “Enable Developer Console” option, which you need to change so that it has a positive value. Then Apply it.
In case the default button (~) is problematic for you and you accidentally press it too much, or you just want to connect it to something more convenient, you can easily do this in the “Keyboard and Mouse” settings by finding the “Toggle Console” entry in the list.
Now, start the desired map and make sure you use bot kick (initially in the console /bot_kick). Next, use the following commands:
sv_cheats 1;
sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;
sv_airaccelerate 12
sv_autobunnyhopping 1;
sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;
sv_maks speed 3500;
sv_staminajumpcost 0;
sv_staminalandcost 0;
sv_durabilitymax 0;
sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;
This script binds the spacebar to the rabbit jump action. When you hold down the spacebar, your character will start bunny hopping, gaining speed and acceleration.
Quick Bunny Hop Commands
These commands will automatically bunny hop you while you’re holding space and also increase CS:GO’s speed limits. With these, you’ll get faster and faster after each bunny hop, eventually reaching a point where you can complete A Long on Dust II in a single jump.
sv_cheats 1;sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;sv_maxvelocity 7000;sv_staminamax 0;sv_staminalandcost 0;sv_staminajumpcost 0;sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;sv_autobunnyhopping 1;sv_airaccelerate 2000
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Standart Bunny Hop Commands
These commands will enable bunny jumping while you hold space, but will not raise the speed limits of CS:GO. This means that you will not reach “supernatural” speeds like the first command, but the maximum speed to a server with bhop.
sv_cheats 1;sv_enablebunnyhopping 1;sv_maxvelocity 3500;sv_staminamax 0;sv_staminalandcost 0.050;sv_staminajumpcost 0.080;sv_accelerate_use_weapon_speed 0;sv_staminarecoveryrate 0;sv_autobunnyhopping 1;sv_airaccelerate 12
Advantages of being able to move quickly
Moving fast in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive provides many advantages. This allows you to achieve the following.
You can surprise your opponents by moving faster. Killing your opponents when they least expect it or planting a bomb can help you win the match.
By moving fast, you can quickly switch between locations on the map. This helps you surprise and evade your opponents by following various routes during the game.
You can use bunny hop just for the survival. Because, moving fast makes harder to aim.
Moving fast allows you to get your hands on more weapons and equipment. If you don’t have enough money to buy a equipments, the bunny hop will help you to win the game. And You”l be able to buy equipments easily.
Moving fast makes the game more fun. Moving fast creates a more dynamic and exciting game environment in the game.
How to do a Quick Bunny?
You can use the following steps to make a fast bunny jump in CS:GO:
First, make sure you have a good mouse that is responsive and accurate. This will help you perform the bunny jump more quickly and consistently.
Practice basic bunny hopping techniques such as popping and timing your jumps. You need to have a good understanding of these techniques to perform a fast rabbit jump.
Use bind commands to set up a macro that will allow you to execute a fast CS GO bunny hop. You can do this by opening the developer console in the game (by pressing the approximate sign “~”) and then typing the following commands to apply CS GO bunny code:
bind “MWHEELDOWN” “+jump”
bind “MWHEELUP” “+jump”
alias “+bhop” “alias _special jump; jump”
alias “-bhop” “alias _special”
alias “+jumpthrow” “+jump;-attack”
alias “-jumpthrow” “-jump”
alias “+jumpthrow2” “+jump;-attack;-jump”
alias “-jumpthrow2” “+jump;-attack”
Also you can save these commands into a configuration file.
- Create a file named by “fastbunny.cfg”)
- Run the configuration file in the game by typing “exec fastbunny” into the console
You can now bunny hop by scrolling your mouse wheel up or down and perform a fast bunny hop by attacking left or right while jumping. With practice, you can use this technique to move fast and dodge enemy fire.
Is it legal to use the bunny code?
CS GO bunny code is a widely used technique. However, some tournaments and leagues may ban or restrict certain techniques, such as bunny hopping. Server-based may also prohibit certain boosting techniques such as bunny hopping.
This is because bunny hopping also has many disadvantages that can have a negative impact on game balance. It is necessary to check before the match whether the tournament and server allow it.
Remember that you will be held responsible if you use CS GO bunny code. After all, in a way, this also means activating cheating in the online game. For this reason, it is also possible to be banned from the server. Especially in battle royale games, such cheats are not allowed.
Are there any other CSGO Commands?
Of course there are other console commands in CSGO. But, you need to know that the codes not work on every server. Commonly used terms for CS:GO and their meanings are:
“Console Commands”: These are codes in CS:GO that allow players to open the console window and change game settings. These commands are useful for changing in-game graphics settings, customizing crosshair, increasing FPS, etc., and allows you to change the values. You can find the most used codes the game below:
- fps_max [value]: This command allows you to set the FPS limit in-game.
- cl_crosshaircolor [value]: This command allows you to change the crosshair color.
- mat_disable_bloom [0/1]: This command allows you to toggle bloom effects in the game.
“Config Files”: These are files where you can save and load game settings. Config files allow you to automatically adjust settings within the game.
- autoexec.cfg: This is a config file that players automatically load when the game starts. This file contains many settings such as turning off unnecessary graphics features for players to increase FPS.
- crosshair.cfg: If you don’t like your crosshair, you can change it. If you do not want to adjust by trial and error method, you can use this site.
“Binds”: These are commands that allow you to map key combinations or single keys in-game to specific commands.
- bind [key] “+jump”: This command allows players to press a specific key to jump.
- bind [key] “say [message]”: This command allows players to type a message in-game by pressing a certain key.
“sv_cheats 1”: This command unlocks cheat codes and allows players to make changes within the game.
“noclip”: This command allows players to pass through walls and fly over obstacles.
“bot_kick”: This command allows players to remove bots in-game.
“mp_startmoney”: This command allows players to set the starting money.
“mp_maxrounds”: With this command you can set the maximum number of rounds.
“mp_autoteambalance”: This command will automatically balance the game between teams.
“cl_showfps”: This command allows players to view the FPS value in-game.
“voice_enable 0”: This command allows players to turn off in-game voice chat.
“r_drawtracers_firstperson 0”: This command turns off the traces of bullets fired from players’ weapons.